Sunday 5 June 2011


This is a Hot topic to talk about, but It requires a lot of information. I am not so informed about the American seed’s monopoly, but when you put it in that way, it looks crazy!  It reminds me a little bit of what happened with our cooper, we sell the primary product and then we buy it to China as cables and stuff.  It is not new that Chile is starting to sell itself. And it seems It doesn’t matter what party is in the lead. It happens anyway. We should look at our neighbours and learn from them in some aspects. Brazil has certain independence of the international market. They made their own cars, food and products. They have done so well.
It would be so sad that one day we will live in a land that don’t belong to us and we would feel like foreign in our own country.  Things like the Highway’s concession make us think how the future would be if things continue working as they are doing it right now.
When I was at School,  I had to get involve with the GM process, and I personally find it very interesting. I wouldn’t say this is bad, either this is good! But we have to be open minded and give it a chance, always inside a la Lab, not experimenting with people.  In America they have GM food over 50 years and there is still no proof that something is wrong with them.   Genetic issues are extremely delicate issues and we have to put human wellness and ethic in front of any economic development.  And i don’t think that is anti –natural.  God or whoever created us gave us the faculty to develop skills and gain and developed Knowledge. As long we use it wisely and carefully there is nothing wrong with manipulate things genetically.

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